Parents Q&A

Questions have been answered by Dr. Jane Nelsen and Certified Positive Discipline Trainers. Please use the Blog Search to find specific topics.


7-Year-Old and High Level of Frustration


Our seven year-old is very bright, social, and out going. She is very daring and often makes decisions that escalate into more than they started out being. For example, when she's doing something like talking back she doesn't know when to stop she become so over the top frustrated that then she starts getting defiant when she is told to go to her room etc...She has a you can't get me kinda attitude. I'm sure she is just pushing it off or hiding the hurt. How do we help her? I recognize that we all make bad decisions. I'd like to teach her how to recognize the bad decision and apologize etc before she makes it worse.

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Helping a 2 ½ year old like preschool

Hi, I know you have a few answers about this on your web site, but my problem is a little different. My son doesn't mind going to preschool, but after about half an hour he looks for his parents (usually my husband drops him off and we're both very careful to tell him when we leave and say "good-bye"). Then he starts to cry for about half an hour. Eventually he calms down, but about an hour later he starts to cry again. When we come to get him, he is ready to leave immediately (he's sitting there crying, with his backpack on). It's only been a few times, but I'm very worried.

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Forgetfulness: Irresponsible or Normal


My question is how responsible can I legitimately expect my 10 yr old stepson to be. I believe he "forgets" to do chores right or brush his teeth etc. because he gets special undivided attention when he is getting in trouble even though it is negative attention.

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Money as a Means of Discipline


How do you feel about using money as a means of disciplining children? My ex-wife has developed a system of "Stars and De-merits" with our children—6 and 8 yrs old. They are awarded for good behavior with stars or dollars, and when misbehaving they receive demerits and money is taken away

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Disrespectful Children


How should I handle a 4.5 year old who talks back to me?

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Dealing With a Strong-Willed Child


I like your ideas. I use them at home most of the time. Can you give me some ideas for a very stubborn child. She is so intense in playing and singing and dancing that I can hardly get her to stop long enough to dress or eat or listen to me. She is a sweet child and intelligent. I don't want to spank her or yell at her to get her to do what she needs to do on time. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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Need Approval


I have a 5.5-year-old only son. He is in kindergarten. I spend a lot of time on his wants and needs (as well as my own and my family). He is bright and nice, etc, etc. There is an area in which I am not sure how to proceed. He seems to be more needy of approval and inclusion than his classmates - or maybe I just notice it in him more.

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Complaints and Sandbags


I've been reading with interest your website and hope you can help me. We are a family of 4, Mom Dad and 2 boys ages 7 and 10. My 10-year-old is the one I am having problems with. Everything seems to be chore for him.

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ADD or Personality Difference?


I have a 7 year old son. He is handsome, kind, and very intelligent. The problem is that he can't sit still in class. He is often out of his seat, making noises, whistling, not paying attention, not staying on task and not completing his classroom assignments.

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Teacher Punishes Whole Class


I am a parent of a 5th grader. There are 30 students in this classroom and the teacher is having a lot of difficulty controlling them. He has resorted to punishing the whole class because several of the students are "misbehaving". My son has not been the cause of this teacher's frustration but has been the recipient of his wrath.

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Online Learning

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