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The Guidebook includes many activities for teaching social-emotional skills to children. A hallmark of teaching Positive Discipline is to avoid lecturing as much as possible. The questions and activities in the Guidebook are designed to “draw forth” learning from the children instead of “stuffing in” through lectures.
The tool card that goes along with each lesson can be added to a basket or placed on a wall within easy reach for children to review whenever they need a reminder of the many tools they are learning. When there is a conflict, a parent or teacher might say, “Would it help to look through the Tools for Kids to see if you can find one that would help now?”
Positive Discipline is an encouragement model for supporting responsible, respectful behavior, and building healthy relationships. We follow the teachings of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs that are based on universal principles that hold true in all relationships, such as treating everyone with dignity and respect—including children. All Positive Discipline “tools” are respectful and encouraging to children and the adults in their lives.
The basic Adlerian principles are:
- The need for Belonging (connection and unconditional love)
- The need for Significance (capability and responsibility)
- Dignity and respect for all people
- Understanding the beliefs behind behavior
- Social interest and contribution as the foundation for mental health
- A balance of kindness and firmness at the same time
- Connection before correction
- Mistakes as opportunities to learn
- Cooperation vs. competition
- Focusing on solutions
As we were developing these tools, it was important to us to align with the model used by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). CASEL is recognized worldwide for the guidelines they created for social- emotional learning in schools. They include five core competency areas:
- Self-awareness
- Self-management
- Social-awareness
- Relationship skills
- Responsible decision-making
Sample Activity

Click Here to download the sample activity.